Questions & Answers
Here we try to answer as many questions as we could think of. Please let us know if you have a question we don't have here.Your certificate is valid for as long as nothing on the installation changes. This means that for as long as you don't add or remove something as stated on your sertificate, the certificate remains valid.
- If you remove the gas cooker/hob or ay appliance as on the CoC, and replace it for example with another brand, you need a new CoC.
- If the piping is moved or added to, you need a new CoC.
- If you have, for example, your 16L gas water heater replaced with a 20L, you need a new CoC.
- You need a new certificate if anything as stipulated on the certificate changes, even when replcing the regulator with one that is not the same as on the CoC you have.
Gas Brothers' service isalways excellentvery affordableon time and neat installations
Owner installations. All gas installations are completely done by the owner who personally issues the CoC. By this we know of every centimetre of the installation. We take pride in our workmanship which is guaranteed for one year from installation. All products installed carry the manufacturer’s guarantee.
Gas Brothers work all over Gauteng and surrounding provinces. We have customers as far as Rustenburg & Witbank & Bronkhorstspruit. Our pricing is very competitive & realistic in the market. We average a ±90% quote acceptance rate for which we are very thankful. Gas Brothers work with various building contractors on new projects from start to finish.
We don't take any shortcuts with installations. Every installation is 100% in line with SANS 10087 according to which installations are done. A Certificate of Compliance is issued with every installation ... and on top of everything all quotations are free of charge.